Darrell Issa, the senior Republican member on the committee, accused Mr Bernanke of a "cover up" and of shutting out other regulators such as the securities and Exchange Commission. 监督委员会中的资深共和党人戴瑞尔埃萨(darrellissa)指责伯南克“隐瞒实情”,并将证券交易委员会(sec)等其它监管机构阻挡在外。
The previous on-grid price hike had no significant impact on the power shortages because of a concomitant coal prices rise, said Want Wei, a senior analyst Guotai Junan Securities. 国泰莒南证券的高级分析师WantWei说,由于煤价相应的提升,之前上调上网电价并没有对电力短缺造成明显的作用。
A senior researcher at the research institute stressed that the call for a body to scrutinise foreign takeovers – part of an authoritative report printed in the official China Securities Journal – did not represent the views of the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC). 投资研究所的一位高级研究员强调,呼吁成立专门机构对外资收购进行审查这是发表在官方媒体《中国证券报》上一篇权威报告的部分内容并不代表发改委的观点。
In a recent speech, James brigagliano, a senior staffer in its trading and markets division, said securities markets had thrived as "competitive forces have led entrepreneurial industry participants to innovate with new technologies and new trading tools". 其交易和市场部门高级职员詹姆斯布里加里阿诺(jamesbrigagliano)最近在一篇演讲中表示,随着“竞争性因素促使具有创新精神的行业参与者用新技术和新的交易工具进行创新”,证券市场得到蓬勃发展。
The actual controllers, shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managerial personnel of the securities rating agency shall comply with the laws, and shall not engage in any activity which may damaging the lawful rights and interests of the securities rating agency and its rating objects. 证券评级机构的实际控制人、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员应当遵纪守法,不得从事损害证券评级机构及其评级对象合法权益的活动。
CDO securities are de-signed so that some take the first loss if any of the underlying debt defaults, while other "senior" securities only suffer losses after the riskier tranches are wiped out. cdo证券的设计意图是,如果任何相关债务出现违约,某些证券首先蒙受损失,而另一些“高级”证券,只在风险更大的部分出问题之后才蒙受损失。
Any senior managerial personnel of the securities rating agency failing to meet the required conditions shall be changed within the regulated period. 证券评级机构的高级管理人员不符合规定条件的,应当限期更换。
The directors and senior managerial personnel of the securities rating agency shall sign a written opinion for the annual reports; in case they are against such annual reports, they shall give reasons and opinions for their objections. 证券评级机构的董事和高级管理人员应当对年度报告签署书面确认意见;对报告内容持有异议的,应当注明意见和理由。
In a typical CDO, senior securities can achieve credit ratings much higher than those of the underlying debt-sometimes triple-A, the same rating as US government securities. 在一个典型的CDO里,高级证券可以获得比相关债务高得多的评级&有时是AAA级,与美国政府证券评级相同。
The directors, supervisors and senior managers thereof having the post-holding qualification and its practitioners having the qualification to engage in securities business; 董事、监事、高级管理人员具备任职资格,从业人员具有证券从业资格;
I.This Article is the basic requirement for obtaining the qualifications of a director, supervisor or senior manager of a securities company, which shall be examined as follows. 本条是对取得证券公司董事、监事和高级管理人员任职资格的基本要求,应当进行如下审核。
John Havens, the division's head since March, has told senior managers that a large part of their bonuses will depend on how well they interact with colleagues from other parts of the securities business during meetings of the division's management committee. 自今年3月开始担任该部门主管的约翰•海文斯(JohnHavens)已告诉高级经理,他们的大部分奖金将取决于他们在该部门管理委员会会议期间与证券业务其他部门同事互动的情况。
A senior manager at one of the Underwriters, Galaxy Securities, said many local investors thought that conventional valuations, pricing shares based on future earnings, had little meaning in the present bull market. 中国银河证券(galaxysecurities)的一位高级经理表示,许多国内投资者认为,在目前的牛市,基于未来收益对股票进行定价的传统估值方法没什么意义。
Back in the days of the "last" market crisis in 2008, a senior official at an interdealer broker one of the firms that trade securities observed an interesting pattern. 2008年的“上一次”市场危机期间,某交易商间经纪公司(一家证券交易公司)的一名高管发现了一个有趣的模式。
Thanomsri Fongarunrung, a senior economist with Phatra Securities, says the impact on industrial production is a key concern for the economic outlook. 帕塔拉证券的一位高级经济学家说洪水对工业产量的影响将是未来经济的重要考虑因素。
For applications for the occupational qualification of senior management personnelofficers, certificates of securities qualification in securities certificates shall also be submitted. 申请经理层人员任职资格的,还应提交证券从业资格证书。
Motivation of Share Warrants on Senior Managers In many corporate finance and investment decision activities, it contains the essence of option, so we can apply option pricing theory to warrants and convertible securities which have the essence of contingent claim. 在很多公司融资活动以及投资决策中,都包含着期权的特征。因此,对于具有或有选择权特点的认股权证、可转换证券的定价等都可以引入期权定价理论。
Capital listed in balance sheet includes: senior debt, hybrid capital, equity capital and insurance-linked securities. Capital not listed in balance sheet includes: contingent capital, insurance and insurance derivatives. 表内资本包括:高级债务、混合型资本、权益资本、保险连接型证券,表外资本包括或有资本、保险及衍生产品。